Thursday, July 22, 2010

No title ...just shock.

36 days to go

I want to cry. I just saw on the news that my wedding venue had a fire this afternoon.

I’m out of town right now and obviously I can’t get in contact with anyone at the restaurant.I

am praying to the wedding gods that it will be all right.


  1. OMG.. so sorry to hear that! I'm sure everything will be fine, stay positive!!

  2. Praying to the wedding gods for you! Do not worry and enjoy your weekend.

  3. While searching for news about this I found your post on weddingbells. My wedding was scheduled there for July 27th, next Tuesday! I'm in shock... can't even cry! The wedding organizers are trying to figure out a plan B for us, and we're trying to find a plan C on our own. Please say a little paryer for us.

    Good luck to you!


  4. Thank you for your positive comments, I realize that there is really nothing I can do but wait and see.

    Sofia, I am praying extra hard that they can do something for you so you can still have the day you have worked so hard to plan. *hugs*

    Please continue to pray for others like Sophia and I. That it will all work out in the end.


  5. I'm praying too that all will be OK. I had a minor breakdown this morning, but my reception is September 4th during the day (brunch reception).
    ***hugs***and try not to worry too much! Melissa
