Monday, August 17, 2009

Don't just sit there...PLAN!

375 days to go.

"Donna, I feel like I should be planning my wedding more, especially since you already have so much done with yours." This is what L said to me the other day. I laughed and explained to her that there were 2 very good reasons for this.

a) My wedding is 2 months before hers
b) I have serious control issues.

As we furthered our conversation we discussed our borderline type A personalities and the things we HAD to do compared to what we felt we had to do for wedding planning. It's funny. Have you ever felt that you "should" be doing certain things just because of public perception of what you "should" do? I think that comes with the territory of being a Bride-to-be as well. It's like once you get engaged people assume 2 things.

1) You are planning your wedding 24/7
2) All you want to talk about is wedding, wedding, wedding

Yes, this is true... for the first month or so. The happiness of entering a new stage in your like (and also the stress of how much it will cost you) is somewhat consuming. But I am still who I always have been. I still have the same interests and still want to talk about the things I used to. So why do I feel that I SHOULD be doing more wedding stuff. It's like we have been programmed to view Brides as obsessive, crazy, controlling monsters. In many cases, such as myself, this is true. But not all.

I'm not going to sit here and say planning a wedding doesn't involve a lot of planning, stress and time, after all I'm not planning a big wedding either, 70 max. Plus, if it were easy Wedding Planners wouldn't exist. I just think that with all the TLC shows out there a bride-to-be gets unnecessary pressure put on her, she should act a certain way, look a certain way BLAH BLAH BLAH. Removed is the fact that not all Brides are the same, and not all weddings follow the same template. It it did we wouldn't have Star Trak weddings. Crazy how I actually feel that I should be wedding planning all the time. I feel I should eat and breath Tulle, cake and flowers, if not it's like I'm less of a Bride... "why aren't you busy planning?" Like there is something wrong with ME when I want to take a break from the magazines and websites. Then, when I do plan and organize, I'm called a Bridzilla. Again, let's make it clear people...Organized, not Bridzilla :)

I have no answer for myself here I just have to deal, I'm not sure why I feel that I SHOULD be doing wedding stuff all the time. I tell myself that once I get all the important stuff out of the way I can relax and focus on the little things, but really who am I kidding, I know that wont happen. The closest thing is Q wont have to worry about the planning...insert my Control Freak tendencies here and we will all go on our merry planning way:)

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