Saturday, August 14, 2010

Doing it all...

14 days to go.

Who ever thought that with 2 weeks to go there would be so much stuff to do? Granted, having my initial venue catch fire 4 weeks before the wedding was no help, but I’ve been going a mile a minute these past few weeks and finally I have a moment to stop and take a breather (I’m waiting for Prince Charming to come home with supplies so I can finish my aisle runner) Just another thing to do on my list of last minute to-do’s. It’s amazing; I thought I was so ahead of the game but I guess not. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the week for me to finish everything. I’ve been eating crap and my skin is breaking out! WTF! Don’t get me wrong, I love my new venue; despite it all I truly believe that this is the wedding we were meant to have, but it sure came with an added to-do list. Prince Charming says I have to learn to delegate because taking everything on myself has begun to run me ragged and nobody wants to be a ragged looking Bride on their wedding day.

So that’s what I’ve done. We’ve made a list and are splitting up the to-do’s. It’s hard for a control freak like myself to let go and let someone else take care of it. My rational is that nobody else knows how I want it and picture it in my head….am I right? But then Prince Charming said something that really made me think.

Last night as we were out for dinner he said that if I don’t slow down, I wont enjoy the wedding and all this would be a waste. I told him I want to make sure that it’s the best wedding we could have and that I want to give us everything we want out of our wedding day. To which he replied; I just want people to have fun, celebrate and for everyone to enjoy themselves. Something so simple, we sometimes lose sight of it when we are (ok, maybe it’s just me) so consumed with planning the best event we can. I promised him that as of the day before, once everything is dropped off I will relinquish control; I mean at that point there really isn’t much more I can do right? Honestly, when this list is done and finished I am going to be so happy. I can’t wait to take the few days after the wedding to just enjoy not having to plan anything.

Till then, I will delegate, try to lighten up and hopefully eat better and with a little luck (and a facial) this breakout will pass and my skin will be back to normal.


  1. You are, really and truly, a moron. I feel sorry for your future husband, and I hope he has the good sense to bolt before the perfectly planned and executed wedding day. You do realize that there are those less fortunate in this world who will not even live to see their fifth birthday, right? And here you are, worried to shits about a fucking aisle runner. Please have the decency not to procreate.

  2. To the previous commenter, Anonymous: Where the hell did that come from? You clearly have never planned a wedding and until you do, I suggest you shut up. Some people don't deserve a voice.

    To Bantering Bride: I know you won't accept my help, but I'll offer it anyways. Anything I could do for you - let me know! :)

  3. Thanks for your offer Mel. I think I’m fine now. It was a weekend full of hard work and I feel much better now.

    This is directed to the first comment:


    The fact that you decided to post anonymously should warrant me to ignore your comment altogether, but since you decided to make this personal…well, I’ll give it a go.
    My blog is for me to share my feelings and experiences during this wonderful time in my life with the hopes that another woman out there could read it and realize that she is not the only one going through the stresses of wedding planning, and maybe learn something about myself along the way. Nowhere do I say that my posts have any substance nor do I claim to be the authority on anything; I’m not trying to cure cancer here. The fact that you felt compelled to respond just shows me that you are the one with a problem. I mean normal people would just skip over a blog that doesn’t interest them instead of feeling the need to fling insults. But since you took a few minutes of your poor existence harpoon me, well, let me return the favor. The fact that I have stress in my life only effects me and those close to me, and they are the ones who have to deal with it. Thankfully, my future husband is very supportive and unlike dush-bags like yourself, does not feel the need to put me down. I am sorry if you feel that planning a wedding so that it truly makes you happy is beneath you in some sort of way, but since it’s important to me I will continue to blog about it till the day has come and gone. As for me procreating, well I hope that I am blessed enough to have a family someday…and with a little luck and good parenting, 20 years from now, your kids will be pumping gas for my kids.

  4. "your kids will be pumping gas for my kids. "

    WELL SAID!!! hahahhaa !!!!
